Sales Cadences

Cadences give your team the power to close more deals, reach more leads, and get an edge over the competition – all while making the sales process faster and easier.


Hot leads are a precious and finite resource. If your team isn’t pouncing on leads as soon as they come in, odds are they’re going to waste. Your chances of qualifying a lead drop 80% after 5 minutes, and 50% of prospects go with the first vendor to respond to them.

Structured Outreach

A core truth of sales is that it’s a numbers game. On average, it takes eight touches to engage a prospect. While this may vary by sector, the fact remains: persistence is key. The good news? You can automate at least 75% of these touches with Kixie, and still keep that personal touch.

Automate Busywork

Tedious time-consuming tasks like sending followup emails, taking notes, and updating CRM info limit your time on the phone building relationships and closing deals. Automating admin tasks with Kixie frees sales reps up to close more deals and keep that commission rolling in.

Time to employ a more intelligent phone system?

Kixie requires no system changes and is compatible with most CRMs

See What Else Kixie Can Do

Sales Cadences is just the beginning. Kixie's customers save a lot of time and experience increased Talk Time because of Kixie's technology.

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CRM Integration

Have the info you need right at your fingertips. Easy, one-click setup with the CRM of your choice provides you a seamless integration with Kixie.

CRM Integration
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Call Coaching

Strong coaching makes a strong team. Utilize Kixie’s Call Coaching tools to train your reps into sales juggernauts.

Call Coaching
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Voicemail Drop

Quickly leave a voicemail with a single click and see an average increase of 33% more calls. That's 33% more opportunities to close more deals.

Voicemail Drop

"These guys are dynamite - works like a treat, boosts my sales like clockwork."

Arthur C. |

I use a simple crm called pipedrive which I like, and Kixie integrates with my chrome browser, and with pipedrive. Whenever I call a new number, Kixie creates a new prospect record inside pipedrive. And when I'm using my crm to call either clients or prospects, a single click and kixie is at work a-dialing. It uses my actual cell, so return calls come to the right place. I can send a sms message. I can drop a pre-recorded voicemail and kixie is doing the work while I'm already off to the next thing. Saves me time, makes my work easier.

AI Local Presence

Enjoy 500% more pick-ups as you dial across the US and internationally with local presence phone numbers.

Voicemail Drop

Save time by leaving voicemails while you move on to the next dial. Record as many voicemails as you like.


Load up a list of prospective customers and efficiently dial down the list in or anywhere on the web.

Any Device. Anywhere.

Deskphone, mobile phone, or computer with headset – Kixie has you covered. Your contacts will be with you.

Live Call Coaching

Listen to live calls as they are happening. Barge in to help out or simply whisper only to your agent to help close the deal.

Call Recordings

Record calls and store them in to listen to help with coaching or revisiting prospective clients caught in a long sales cycle.

Custom Call Dispostions

Enable your team to use dispositions in with your own sales lingo and process.

Reporting Insights

Quickly identify rock stars and poor performers by reviewing call metrics over any time period.

Screen Pops

Deal size, company information, name and location – data pushed to your screen for every incoming call.