
There are tons of software out there geared toward improving sales. However, not all systems offer a variety of sales engagement tools that empower …

1 October 2020

With COVID-19 changing the landscape of remote work, the balance of inside sales vs. outside sales is more important than ever for sales reps to …

28 September 2020

Just like how you want customers to visit your website and click on your ads, sales engagement involves that same kind of interaction. Sales …

25 September 2020

According to research from 2019, there are nearly 31 million active small businesses in the U.S. alone. That’s nearly 60 million employees making up …

21 September 2020

Working from home may seem like a dream come true, but quite often, doing so requires a whole new mindset of discipline. This is especially true if …

17 September 2020

Your reps can only do so much on their own. Cold calling, endless emails, unqualified leads that only wastes time—relying on outdated resources slows …

15 September 2020

Local Presence Dialing Enhancements 3.0 With two huge recent enhancements, Kixie’s AI powered local presence dialing feature has just become the …

12 July 2020

Kixie Built the 1st High Level Sales API Precision SMS and Precision Call Kixie released the first voice & SMS API for sales teams. From an …

23 May 2020

Working From Home in 2020 At first glance, working from home seems like the holy grail of perks. Roll out of bed and you’re ready to …

6 April 2020

Kixie Pandemic Program with Hubspot “Things are crazy right now, which is why Kixie has a program set up where teams that are working from home …

1 April 2020

An NPS that is higher than 95% of the Fortune 500 companies. Decreased onboarding time from three days to three hours A sales team that’s more than …

22 November 2019

Tax software company Canopy drops time to first call to 9 minutes on average and increases their conversion rate by 3% with the Kixie + HubSpot …

22 November 2019