
RingCentral vs. Kixie SalesForce Comparison SalesForce is the thousand pound gorilla in the world of CRMs and RingCentral and Kixie are two of the …

14 April 2016

Know exactly who is calling you… before you answer Johnny Nash had to wait for the rain to subside before he could see clearly, but we here at …

8 April 2016

List-View Dialing in Nutshell One of the best features of Kixie’s Nutshell integration is dialing from a list view. Dialing is simple and fast …

4 April 2016

How Kixie Syncs with Contactually In Contactually, Kixie will automatically log call activities inside of the contact that is associated with the …

1 April 2016

How Kixie Syncs with Nutshell Kixie will log call activities inside of Nutshell to any person that is associated with the customer phone number, and …

1 April 2016

List-View Dialing in Salesforce Dialing from a list view in Salesforce really brings out the usefulness of Kixie’s Salesforce integration in …

24 March 2016

Be Local to Your Entire Client Base Adele had to leave a heartfelt voicemail, but imagine if she were able to actually connect… Here at Kixie …

22 March 2016

List-View Dialing in Pipedrive Dialing from a list view in Pipedrive really brings out the usefulness of Kixie’s Pipedrive integration in …

17 March 2016

Pipedrive Call Activity Types By default, Kixie will automatically log a completed Call (activity type “Call”), but adding the following 2 …

17 March 2016

Kixie Always Syncs to a Person First: Depending on how the call was initiated, there are two ways that Kixie will find a person to sync to… …

16 March 2016
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Using Salesforce (who isn’t right)? Well, then take a peek at our Salesforce + Kixie Powercall and power dialing demo video where we seamlessly …

7 March 2016

Earn up to $1,000 for Referring other Businesses to Kixie! Tier 1: Businesses with 1-2 Kixie Users Your Referral Reward*: $50 Tier 2: Businesses with …

27 January 2016