Customer Support

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Customer Support for business

Increase your customer support reps efficiency and effectiveness!

Your customer support reps work smarter. Help them to coordinate, synchronise and excel with intelligent tools that work on their behalf so they can concentrate on what matters.


Automate Ticket Creation/Completion & More

Use Kixie’s advanced automation capabilities to do things like creating and completing support tickets automatically after your reps calls, automatically sending followup emails after a support call that is commensurate with how the call went; even auto-texting customers to solicit an NPS score or to remind them an hour before a support call to reduce "no-shows"

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Advance Call Queues Powered by Kixie

Harness the power of Call Queues to capture more deals from your incoming calls. By utilizing call queues for your sales or support team, you can ensure no inbound leads are missed. A smooth holding experience for your customers ensures your leads will stay on the line longer and allow your team members the time they need to connect with more customers and close more deals.

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Live Call Coaching and Call Transferring

Your reps don’t need to spend time updating the CRM thanks to intelligent CRM logging. Keep reps focused on selling as Kixie intelligently updates deal status and schedules follow-up activities for them. Automatically respond to queries with email and leave Kixie to sync updated data to the correct contact every time status changes.

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Ready for a support team that excels?

Kixie requires no system changes and is compatible with most CRMs