Online Services

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Online Services for business

Help grow your online services sales more efficiently!

Kixie helps companies conduct more efficient business online through CRM-integrated calling & texting, advanced dialing & texting features, and powerful auotmations.


Tie marketing efforts directly to sale through auto-dialing/texting of prospects triggered off of email opens

you can finally directly attribute marketing efforts to successful sales calling by giving sales teams the opportunity to auto-dial prospects the minute they open a marketing email (when they are 4-5 times as likely to answer the call!).

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Advance Call Queues Powered by Kixie

Harness the power of Call Queues to capture more deals from your incoming calls. By utilizing call queues for your sales or support team, you can ensure no inbound leads are missed. A smooth holding experience for your customers ensures your leads will stay on the line longer and allow your team members the time they need to connect with more customers and close more deals.

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Kixie integrates with email platforms such as Mailchimp and Activecampaign

Auto-dialing and auto-texting of website leads through chat bots such as intercom to draw in more MQL’s and take better advantage of the web traffic you’re already generating.

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Ready for a team that excels?

Kixie requires no system changes and is compatible with most CRMs