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If you’re feeling frustrated by low answer rates, lost sales, and call blocks, you’re not alone. Inside sales teams are struggling to meet …

10 June 2021
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Local Presence Dialing Enhancements 3.0 With two huge recent enhancements, Kixie’s AI powered local presence dialing feature has just become the …

12 July 2020
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Local Presence Dialing for the UK Does Local Presence Dialing for the UK Actually Work? Obviously, I am writing this blog post so I know that …

13 December 2017
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What'’s New (and Improved) at Kixie Kixie’s features set has expanded its feature set exponentially in the past few months. Here is a …

5 October 2016
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Be Local to Your Entire Client Base Adele had to leave a heartfelt voicemail, but imagine if she were able to actually connect… Here at Kixie …

22 March 2016
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The Kixie International Plan is Here! Cue the champagne and confetti, and strap on your Oakley goggles everybody…. Kixie has just gone …

16 December 2015