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On average, it takes up to 10 months for a new sales rep to be productive. So if you’re not a sales veteran with years under your belt and impeccable …

9 February 2022
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If you’re making cold calls, there are some simple things you can do before placing those calls that will make them much more effective. The best …

29 December 2021
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Elevator pitches (a short pitch that boils down what you do into 1-3 sentences) are just as important as ever. Global attention spans have narrowed, …

10 December 2021
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While rejections in sales are inevitable, they can be disheartening. Many sales professionals find that the fear of rejection is a more significant …

9 December 2021
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Cold calling is never easy, and it’s especially challenging when you’re reaching out about something mundane like insurance. Consumers drag their feet …

3 December 2021
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Successful salespeople are a special breed. Ask a group of outstanding salespeople what the secret to their success is, and you’ll undoubtedly get a …

19 November 2021
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Cold calling can be tough. You need to ingratiate yourself enough with a stranger that they want to take the time out of their busy schedule to listen …

19 November 2021
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In sales, we can’t expect everyone to immediately fawn over the products or services we’re selling as soon as we mention them. There will undoubtedly …

19 November 2021
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Do you struggle to pick up the phone to cold call a prospect? You’re not alone. Cold calling, where we’re contacting people who have no prior …

11 November 2021
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People think the real estate business is all about buildings and properties, but really it’s a career that centers around people. Finding people …

5 November 2021
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We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: making outbound sales calls is TOUGH! There’s no denying it, and even the most experienced salespeople …

4 November 2021
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Over 97% of sales cold calls go to voicemail, so it’s vital you leave an effective message each time that highlights the benefits of calling you back. …

29 October 2021
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It can be tempting to believe that certain people are innately blessed with the skills required to make cold calls. However, not even the most …

25 October 2021
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A short while back, we conducted a survey of sales professionals. One of the questions we asked was, what sources do you turn to for inspiration, …

15 October 2021
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What is Voicemail Drop? First and foremost, voicemail drop services are huge time and sanity savers for salespeople. Simply put, voicemail drops are …

12 October 2021
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Cold Calling is TOUGH business Cold calling in 2021 is harder than it’s ever been. Smartphones and cell networks have built in spam detection, …

24 September 2021
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8 Funny Sales Memes to Stay Motivated Whenever the grind is getting to me or I’m frustrated over something at work, I try to find the humor in the …

21 September 2021