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If you’ve always performed sales in a B2C (business-to-consumer) environment, you could be forgiven for thinking that transitioning to a B2B …

25 January 2022
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With so many varied ways of communicating these days, it can be tricky to figure out the best method for contacting prospects. Email, text messages, …

12 January 2022
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If you’re making cold calls, there are some simple things you can do before placing those calls that will make them much more effective. The best …

29 December 2021
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Elevator pitches (a short pitch that boils down what you do into 1-3 sentences) are just as important as ever. Global attention spans have narrowed, …

10 December 2021
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While rejections in sales are inevitable, they can be disheartening. Many sales professionals find that the fear of rejection is a more significant …

9 December 2021
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Cold calling is never easy, and it’s especially challenging when you’re reaching out about something mundane like insurance. Consumers drag their feet …

3 December 2021
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Has there ever been a more fierce rivalry than the dynamic between cold callers and gatekeepers? For the uninitiated, gatekeepers are all the people …

26 November 2021
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Cold calling can be tough. You need to ingratiate yourself enough with a stranger that they want to take the time out of their busy schedule to listen …

19 November 2021
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In sales, we can’t expect everyone to immediately fawn over the products or services we’re selling as soon as we mention them. There will undoubtedly …

19 November 2021
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Don’t Let The Holiday Season Sneak Up On You!! The toughest days of selling are almost upon us… Before we know it, it’ll be 2022. …

12 November 2021
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Do you struggle to pick up the phone to cold call a prospect? You’re not alone. Cold calling, where we’re contacting people who have no prior …

11 November 2021
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People think the real estate business is all about buildings and properties, but really it’s a career that centers around people. Finding people …

5 November 2021
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We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: making outbound sales calls is TOUGH! There’s no denying it, and even the most experienced salespeople …

4 November 2021
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Over 97% of sales cold calls go to voicemail, so it’s vital you leave an effective message each time that highlights the benefits of calling you back. …

29 October 2021
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It can be tempting to believe that certain people are innately blessed with the skills required to make cold calls. However, not even the most …

25 October 2021
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Despite what some people might tell you, cold calling isn’t dead. In fact, the number of phone calls salespeople made actually went up last year. …

21 October 2021
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A short while back, we conducted a survey of sales professionals. One of the questions we asked was, what sources do you turn to for inspiration, …

15 October 2021
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What is Voicemail Drop? First and foremost, voicemail drop services are huge time and sanity savers for salespeople. Simply put, voicemail drops are …

12 October 2021
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How Kixie Used Pipedrive to Build an Outbound Sales Team As Head of Sales at Kixie, I have the pleasure not only of leading the sales team at a …

1 October 2021
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Cold Calling is TOUGH business Cold calling in 2021 is harder than it’s ever been. Smartphones and cell networks have built in spam detection, …

24 September 2021
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8 Funny Sales Memes to Stay Motivated Whenever the grind is getting to me or I’m frustrated over something at work, I try to find the humor in the …

21 September 2021
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For those of you who missed our recent live webinar, How To Build A #SalesTechStack From Scratch, the moment you’ve been waiting for has arrived. …

9 September 2021


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What the FCC’s STIR/SHAKEN Means For Your Sales Team Over the past few years, the number of illegal and often fraudulent robocalls has continued to …

17 August 2021
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7 Ideal Ways to Improve Your Outbound Sales Strategy As a successful seller, you already know that outbound sales is a numbers game. Here are a few …

18 February 2021
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Sales prospecting can seem a lot like fishing; you could have the best fishing gear, the right bait, and be in the right area of water– but …

4 February 2021
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Despite what you may have heard in 2020, outbound sales is far from dead. Inbound sales might be “easier,” but it won’t always bring you the right …

14 January 2021
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Potential Customers Ignoring Your Sales Calls? 5 Things You Can Do About It… Here are 5 excellent ways to increase your connect rates with …

12 December 2020
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Even the most accomplished salesperson needs some advice every now and then. Gathering pearls of wisdom from the most accomplished in your field is …

23 November 2020
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The importance of calling your prospects can’t be overstated. It’s a surefire way to find out their needs and close deals. How important exactly? For …

22 November 2019
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When you’re trying to build a business, there are two ways that you can build your audience of customers. First, with inbound techniques, you …

5 September 2018
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Local, Toll-Free and Out-of-State Calls: Which Gets Answered Most Let’s face it, most of us tend to ignore an unknown toll-free number, because …

22 February 2018
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As they say, “It is not about the destination, but rather the journey that is important.” While normally ascribed to a Zen-like journey to …

5 September 2017
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“Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that’s creativity” –Charles Mingus Type “how to make …

13 October 2015